Sunday, September 29, 2013

September 30, 2013

Grade 7 Goals: Demonstrate an understanding of the assembly, terms,  care, cleaning, tone production, holding and rest position associated with the clarinet.

During our first class of the week, students will assemble the entire clarinet and learn the fingerings for notes G, F and A used in our a melody. Assessments will be completed and some students will be invited to try the alto saxophone. They will complete the clarinet area of their instrument worksheet for homework.

During the second class of the week, students will review our first woodwind - the clarinet - and if time permits, begin the flute.
Information about brasses will also be reviewed in preparation for a unit test on the 4 instruments studied.

Homework: complete the clarinet section of the worksheet and begin studying for the unit test.

Grade 8 Goals: Compose and perform and original "Bits and Pieces" composition, and continue learning "Alpha Squadron" -  all measures.

During our first class of the week, students will  perform all measures of "Alpha Squadron" and spot tests will continue on measures 1-37. Students will co-create a rubric for "Bits and Pieces" and then have a portion of the class to complete the writing of their melody. The composition should include:

          at least 8 measures taken from 7 songs in the method book or Alpha Squadron
          patterns and repeats (measures 1 and 5 must be the same)
          correct use of key signature, time signature and bar lines
          evidence of dynamics and articulation
          meaningful phrases which end with rests or long tones
          beautiful tone
          accurate pitches (fingerings) and rhythm
          proper use of breath and posture
          accurate dynamics and articulation
          careful tuning
          expressive and meaningful phrasing

During the second class of the week, students will perform their compositions for the class and will be assessed on the writing and performance. If time permits, we will begin our unit on war and peace with a multi-media PREZI presentation.

Homework: complete "Bits and Pieces" and be prepared to play it. Learn all measures of "Alpha Squadron"

Sunday, September 22, 2013

September 23, 2013

Grade 7: Goal - demonstrate an understanding of assembly, tone production, tonguing, care and cleaning of the clarinet and be able to play a 3-note song.

During our first class of the week, students will review homework which should include required information related to playing brass instruments. They will begin learning about the clarinet. All students will receive a reed and will learn about some of the parts, assembly, embouchure and tone production on clarinet. 

During our second class of the week, students will complete the assembly and perform a simple 3-note melody. Students will be assessed on their clarinet skills, and those who have an embouchure which produces an in-tune and gentle tone, may be invited to try the saxophone after school.

Homework: complete as many questions about the clarinet as possible on your instrument sheet

Grade 8: Goal- continue to build accurate rhythm skills and demonstrate an understanding of articulation; apply these skills to "Alpha Squadron".

During our first class of the week, students will finish decoding their scores by looking up any circled or starred items on their music sheets and identifying practise strategies for challenging sections. Classes will warm up with an articulation drill (tenutos, staccatos, slurs and accents) and then will read through the entire piece trying to apply the correct articulations to the measures they learned. Students will set a new goal for themselves as they work on completing the first section.

During our second class, we will reivew the first section of "Alpha Squadron" and set new goals. Manuscript paper will be handed out and the "Bits and Pieces" composing assignment will be explained. Compositions are due in one week.

Homework: learn at least the first section of "Alpha Squadron" using accurate rhythm and articulation. Begin "Bits and Pieces" composition.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

September 16, 2013

Grade 7 Goals: This week we will learn to play a 3 note song on brass instruments. We will review all aspects of playing a simple 3-note melody on the trumpet (assembly, tone production, rest and playing position, names of the instrument parts, care and cleaning.) Students will begin to learn the trombone once they have completed the trumpet.

During our first class of the week, students will review the elements of trumpet performance by assembling the trumpet and performing a simple 3-note melody. They will recieve feedback on their performance on the trumpet and complete their self-evaluation in preparation for instrument #2, the trombone.

During our second class, students will begin the trombone. Assembly, names of parts, tone production, rest and playing position, care and cleaning will be  discussed. Students will learn to play the first 2 tones on the trombone.

Homework: Students should complete questions for the trumpet on the worksheet provided, outlining all aspects of trumpet performance in order to qualify for our second instrument, the trombone.

Grade 8 Goals: Our goals are to read and play accurately using "1+2+3+4+" as we perform a variety of songs from our method books and song sheets.

During the first class of the week, students will finish performing their chosen review song in small groups. Some students will be asked to perform song 64, demonstrating an understanding of rhythm discussed last class. Song 68 will be analyzed, played, and assigned for homework.

At the beginning of class two, some students will be tested on their ability to play song 64 or 68. In addition, students will receive a copy of our first band piece related to our unit on War and Peace, "Alpha Squadron". Students will decode the score and select 8 measures or more to learn and perfect. If time permits, students will be assigned a simple composing task using "bits and pieces" of songs from their method book. This is due in one week.

Homework: learn 8 bars of "Alpha Squadron" and begin "bits and pieces" composition.